Shared Visions Unlimited with Greg Dixon
Greg Dixon discusses publishing, marketing, and story production topics along with guests with great stories and services.
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Shared Visions Unlimited with Greg Dixon
Unleashing the Power of Your Voice with Aideen Ni Riada ~ Episode 5
In this episode, Greg Dixon talks to Aideen Ni Riada, a voice confidence coach about the importance of unleashing the power of your voice and dissolving the blocks that might be holding you back.
The conversation centers around trusting your intuition, expressing your unique message to the world, being present, and how all of these can make a profound change in the world.
Additionally, the topic of self-belief and self-value, understanding that you are enough and the importance of being authentic is also discussed.
Key Points
- Confidence in expressing oneself and trusting your unique voice and message is crucial.
- Being present and understanding how your message is being received is important.
- Authenticity and sincerity in communication are more valuable than polished perfection.
- Self-belief and understanding your self-worth can propel you to share your unique voice with the world.
- Talent isn't the main thing to focus on, it's about the perseverance and persistence in doing something you love that will eventually make you better.
Links Mentioned
- Website: confidenceinsinging.com and adinireada.com
- Book recommendations: "Singing Without Boundaries"
- Recommended documentary about the evolution of Hallelujah lyrics on Netflix.
Come learn more about Shared Visions Unlimited at https://sharedvisions.com/