Shared Visions Unlimited with Greg Dixon
Greg Dixon discusses publishing, marketing, and story production topics along with guests with great stories and services.
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Shared Visions Unlimited with Greg Dixon
Spinoff Benefits from Writing Your Books
Gaining Clarity during the writing process.
Creating content that can repurposed as articles (print and online), blog posts, broadcasts, podcasts, speaking presentations, radio, ...
Opens doors to clients and speaking opportunities.
Building Influence and Authority
Creates a lasting legacy.
Can you think of any more?
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Well, happy Tuesday, everyone. This is Greg Dixon, your chief writing cheerleader, and here in this episode for your Writing for Fun adventure, I'm going to talk about spin-off benefits of writing your books.
If you've listened to any of the other broadcasts, I've been encouraging you to write anything at all, you know, songs, poems, plays, all that kind of thing, articles, all those good things that happen from writing.
Today, the spin I'm going to take on it here is maybe the first thing to focus on is a book, because a bunch of things can spin out of writing a book, and I'm just going to run through some of the benefits here. The first one here is clarity, so if you have something you're teaching or you're wanting to explore, even if you're wanting to learn, nothing is better than writing a book about something.
And, you know, again, this doesn't have to be for publishing or, well, it could be. So, you know, you can clarify your thoughts by just organizing it, by creating an outline, organizing the ideas, putting the order in, all that could provide clarity for yourself. And the other thing is, the book, even while you're writing it, could provide content for articles and posts and marketing.
And we often say it's time to start marketing your book is the time you start, you come up with a good title and go from there. So all these things can go. You can write your book serially, you can do it a bit at a time and work out there, but it's all that stuff is the material that goes into your book can end up in an online course, it could go into a membership program training, all sorts of good stuff. And then here I'm going to talk about authority and influence.
So, nothing says authority and influence like a book. So, you know, as Bonnie said the other day, somebody said, well, why should I hire you for marketing? And the person said, I wrote the book on marketing.
And so, you know, it does, it does give you a certain cachet to say I've published a book. If nothing else, it says you, you put in the time, you've done the steps and persisted with something. So that's a really good benefit of writing your book. And here I've been working with a group of aspiring speakers and a book is one of the best tickets to get on people's stages.
So if you have a book, it's a good excuse to have you as a guest. We'll talk, they'll talk about the, your book or book launch topics from your book, all kinds of things. A book gives you again, that authority and influence that will help you get invited to be on podcasts, broadcasts, and, and speak in person.
A book can be used as a lead magnet. Many, many people, coaches, other, other people will have a book that people will sign up and they'll send them the book and, and that can establish them as an authority in that area. And also it educates people about your service and what you do.
And so, you know, if they read the book and they're impressed with what, what they have in the book, they can become a client or purchase your goods and services of some, in some way.
And here's a benefit is a lasting legacy because books are really a published book. A print book is, is forever. You know, we're still, you know, Shakespeare, all the main authors through, through time, even through, you know, through Persian times, as long as there have been books, those things are still around.
And so if you write something that's a value to other people of interest, even if it's comedy or poetry, it can outlast you. So there, so that's, so that's the thing.
So, lots of good things come from writing a book.
And, you know, this whole, the whole thing here is you're writing for fun adventure, and I'm just encouraging you to explore your inner writer. I think everybody is a natural writer. If you're a human, you're a writer is the one thing that, that virtually all of us do. And you're writing all the time in one way or another, even sending text messages, emails, all that sort of stuff.
I just sort of suggesting that you channel that into, into writing, writing a book. Just start writing on anything that, that is, is really inspirational for you. It doesn't have to go anywhere. The writing itself, as I said, just even simply writing can help provide clarity for yourself. So write a book for yourself. Like, like write a book. This is, you know, what, what would you write and say to your 18 year old self?
And so you write that, all sorts of things. So the whole thing is, I'm just encouraging you to write. I'm going to invite you to, if you go to www.writingforfun.online, there's a place to sign up for my mailing list and I'm having on, on Saturdays at 11am Pacific, I'm having a discussion workshop.
So I may share some insights, but you're invited to, to, to come and ask questions. Maybe share your story, your writing stories. I'm also looking for people to be guests on this broadcast during the week and maybe on the weekends too.
So if you want to get on camera and share your stories about writing and what it's done for you, let me know. Anyway, so that's, that's, that's good for today. Again, go visit www.writingforfun.online and we'll go from there.
So thank you. Thank you for tuning in today.